Instructions & Guidelines

To add a resource  —  CLICK HERE or watch video or read below for more detailed instructions.

Instructions for Posting Teaching Resources to

  1. Title your resource appropriately.  Avoid institution-specific references such as course numbers or instructors’ names.
  2. Begin with a brief summary of your resource.  Explain what it is, how it was used, and/or why others may find it useful.
  3. Cut & paste and/or upload your resource from your computer. We recommend cutting and pasting whenever possible. To upload content, use the upload icon above the text box.
  4. Assign your post to a category— and sub-category if it’s a syllabus or assignment– using the “Categories” box to the right of the dashboard.  You may assign your post to multiple categories if appropriate.
  5. Tag your post using the “Post Tags” box on the right below the “Categories” box.
  6. Submit your post for publication by clicking the blue “Submit for Review” button on the right of the dashboard.

Guidelines for Posting Readings & Media Examples

Readings for Undergraduates:Please provide a short discussion of how this reading is useful for teaching undergraduates. What can they learn? What sorts of questions does it raise? What level of student does it work for and why?  Also, feel free include any discussion questions and/or activities you’ve used with the reading.
Media Examples for the Classroom: Please include a link to any video, image, or sound recording that is available on the web.  You may also upload digital content from the dashboard using the upload icons above the main text box.  If your resource is not available online, please include a full citation.  Please provide a short discussion of how this example was used in class, including, if possible, any reading materials, discussion questions, and/or activities that were connected to the example.

Some WordPress Terminology

Dashboard: To post to the site, you’ll use the dashboard on the “Add New Post” page to prepare and publish your resource. The dashboard may look daunting, but you only need to worry about two areas: 1)Title and text boxes (center); and 2) Publish, Categories, and Post Tags boxes (right). Ignore everything else.
Categories: The site is organized into different categories and sub-categories of resources.  Primary categories include syllabi, assignments, readings for undergraduates, and media examples for the classroom. Assignments and syllabi are divided in the sub-categories.
Tags: While categories identify the type of resource, tags indicate themes, topics, and/or key ideas associated with the resource.  (For example: advertising, citizenship, celebrity, race, feminism)

Feeling confused? Overwhelmed? Alternatively, you can send materials  (files, links, etc.) you’d like to share to [email protected].  We’ll upload them for you.  Please be sure to include a title and brief description of your resource.

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